Drama Therapy
Glow in the Dark
We were blessed to have a Christian Drama Therapist volunteer with us in November, with daily drama therapy sessions for 2 weeks. The girls gave this feedback afterwards:
Client ML:
In November I attended 'Glow in the Dark', and I learned new things which encouraged me. I love how the leader taught us to put down the rocks; it was so meaningful to me. All the problems we have are like the rock, and if we keep the problem it means that we keep carrying rocks. Giving up the problem made me feel better. With the stickers activity, when someone looks down on us it's like taping a sticker to us, but I can take it off. I don't have to allow the sticker of looking down on me to stay on me.
"Glow in the Dark" Drama Therapy Session
Client Y:
Before I had a lot of sadness, but now I feel better after I attended this drama course, 'Glow in the Dark' with Shalyn. I realize that I have value. I'm stronger than before and it helped me put down my burdens and problems. I'm so thankful that they gave me the chance to join this. I'm happy, joyful and full of hope. All my burdens have gone! Thank you God for loving me, and giving me new life. My life is full of hope and joy, and I learned a lot from my workplace. I received love from everyone here.
Client M:
Thank you God for sending a trainer to teach us how to deal with the problems that we face. After my mother passed away, I liked drinking alcohol, and I felt bad and worthless. But now I have learned and know that there is the One who wants to take away my problems; it’s Jesus. Also, my co-workers always encourage me and we help each other and I know that I have value. When problems comes to my life, I can solve it because Jesus helps me. After I learned this lesson, I will help others that have problems and cannot deal with it. I will encourage them and tell them what Jesus did to help me. I will tell them to give every problem to God and He will heal them. This lesson helped me to put down my burdens.
Client T:
I learned I can help myself by giving up my problems, not just carrying it with me; I must put down the rocks.
Screen Print Press
Thanks to a donor from Australia, we have been gifted a (manual) printing press for our screen printing business which is a great blessing and is helping us to reduce error and increase accuracy when we print. Its a great blessing! Thanks also to our on-site engineer Martin from Germany, who has worked hard to get it up and running.
Our Printing Press
Over the last year we have been working hard to raise more individual sponsors who sponsor a girl at Daughters. We are very thankful to God for providing more - we doubled our number of sponsors over the year. Sponsorships is a very helpful way for individuals or small groups all over the world to engage with us in a personal way, and for us to spread the costs widely. A HUGE thanks to all who signed up to sponsor a girl, or encouraged others to, we couldn't do what we do without your help.
Please continue to help us with this by spreading the word amongst your friends and networks that we are are in need of sponsorships. Thank you!
Our Christmas sponsorship poster
Clients in Leadership
We are thrilled that we have recently promoted several clients to leadership roles: Ya is now the Visitor Centre bookkeeper, SreyTouch is our Factory Orders Manager, Nai Kuy is Raw Materials Manager, and Chanthoeun is Inventory Manager. They are loyal, reliable and hardworking and we are very proud of them. Some of them are not computer literate, and we are working out the process of de-digitizing, as well as upskilling those who are able to learn both English and computers.
We held a few events recently, including:
Water Festival at the Visitor Centre
In-house Christmas Celebration at Daughters
Christmas Fair
fundraising concert in Hong Kong by vocalist Karen Linker
We are thankful for the success of these events and how hard everyone worked.
Fundraiser in Hong Kong:
We are so thankful for the amazing efforts of Karen Linker who managed to hold a fundraising concert for us in Hong Kong under very challenging circumstances that were in happening in Hong Kong in November. Karen, a professional singer, was incredibly successful, raising a whopping $12,000 usd for Daughters. Huge thanks to Karen, her band, and her family, those who helped and donated to make this tremendous feat such a success.
Emotional Healing
We were blessed to have a fantastic training for Daughters team on Emotional Healing in January. Janie Martinez from Rak Ministries came for a week to teach this, and many people were healed of emotional wounds during her sessions. We are so thankful for this.
The Seven Wonders of the Cross
We also participated in a discipleship training called The Seven Wonders of the Cross by Crosslight Media. Our clients gave the followng feedback about that training:
Client R:
At the training, the first day they talked about forgiveness and healing. When the trainer let us close our eyes and pray for forgiveness for those that we hate and are angry with, I couldn’t do it., But one teacher came up to share his testimony about forgiveness and he let me close my eyes again, and that time it seemed like there was something that opened my mouth and spoke to God to forgive my aunt. After I prayed, I felt much better, like God took out from my heart the fire. I felt free. I am really happy that I attended this training. On the second day, I got healed from my back pain and arm injury. Now, I am hungry for the Word of God. I want to listen to the Word of God every day. I got healed so I will pray for sick people and for my Mum to be healed also.
Client J:
When I attended this discipleship training, I stood up in front of a lot of people and shared about my testimony. God gave me boldness to do that. Some of them cried, and it touched their heart when they knew about my past. I had a new experience with God; it made me hungry to hear the Word of God more and more. I remembered about my life when I was in prison, and also I got a disease there and I was looking for God and His grace came upon me. He answered my prayers, and He healed me. After the pastor finished the teaching, there was one older lady who came to me and asked me to pray for her. She had a problem with her leg. After I prayed for her, she was healed and started to dance and worship God. I felt so happy that God answered my prayers.
New Products
We are currently busy with Valentines selling season, so our shop is laden with lots of hearts and love messages. Here's a few of our new Valentines products:
Indonesia and Philippines
Our start up plan for the Philippines and Indonesia has hit a bit of a setback. We lost these staff late last year for various reasons. Both our staff members for Daughters of Indonesia left because they felt they couldn't make a commitment to Daughters of Indonesia after all. This brought our Indonesia start up program back to square one once again. We are not yet actively recruiting yet, but are discussing and assessing how best to do so that won't have the same outcome. Daughters of the Philippines' wonderful staff member, Sheila, has also had to leave when her husband suddenly became very sick. However, we are in discussions about her returning when he has had time to recover, so we are hopeful about this. Please pray for this. They are currently convalescing with family in America.
Visitor Centre
Our lease at our Phnom Penh Visitor Centre will expire in the middle of this year, and we are already praying about a new building for this. Please join us in praying for the right building at the right price in the right location. This fully sustainable centre is very helpful to Daughters for multiple reasons, including the fantastic jobs that are available to girls there, the income it generates, and the awareness raising and profile it gives our organization and our cause. So, we want to continue to operate this!
Red Light Outreach
Our recent red light outreach was so fruitful, including a live rescue, a teenage girl who was so desperate to leave that she insisted on coming with us immediately. We took her right from under the nose of the brothel owner.
We really value your prayers for her, and for our team, for on-going protection and success.
Three other girls from the same establishment tried to come to Daughters, as well. They phoned us several times to say that they were trying to come but the brothel owner was so angry with us for taking one girl already that she locked them inside so they couldn’t leave. So they said they will wait until salary day on February 28th and then escape.
Please pray that they will be able to and for their safety🙏🏼.
Looking for a Screen Print Manager
Prayer Requests:
Please pray with us about opening a Visitor Centre in Siem Reap. Pray for God's guidance and wisdom. Pray for provision of start up funds and the right staff to staff it.
Please pray for our plan to open Daughters in Indonesia and Philippines, which is back to the recruitment stage. Please pray for God to lead us forward in his way and his time.
Pray for the clients whom we have recently appointed to leadership positions, that they will continue to grow in Godly character, skills, and trustworthiness.
We thank God for all those who have signed up to sponsor a girl, and that our number of individual sponsorships have increased significantly.
We are thankful for our Intercessor, Jeani, who took a 5 month sabbatical last year to convalesce over a back injury. She has returned and her back is no longer in pain. We are very thankful for this.